24 years ago today a "Gooey iguana" (Nyle's description of our babies) entered this world at 1:10 p.m. Her Papa laughed with delight, and I cried with rich joy. They gave her a first bath and then put her in my arms. She was NOT a tiny baby. She weighed almost 9 pounds. She entered the world singing very loudly! We laughed and said that she would be a singer...we were so right!
Her name was Sarah Elizabeth, and we knew before she was born that she would be Sarah Elizabeth. Her beloved Grandma was Sarah, and 2nd great grandma's were Sarah Ann and Elizabeth Jane. I did not know until later that she also had a relative on Nyle's side of the family who was Sarah Elizabeth Smith! In addition I was born on my Great-Aunt's birthday. She had wanted me to be named Sarah but my parents didn't agree. Now she has a namesake.
So...think of all those Sarah's and Elizabeth's that she honors as she travels her path through life.
In the evening her Father (who had mysteriously left for an hour) arrived with two dozen peach colored roses. When I inquired why TWO dozen roses he said, "Because you have blessed me with two amazing daughters." For whatever reason there seemed to be no peach colored roses in all of Utah County. He had to travel 45 minutes each way to find a store that had them. Peace or Salmon colored roses have always been my favorites!
Sarah was beautiful from the first breath she breathed. Her eyes were large, and she had a tiny little chin. She had very little hair in front, but lots in back. The nurses would give her a Faux Hawk and then bring her to me. I disliked the "faux hawk" look on our precious little girl so I would smooth her hair down. It looked silly because there was almost NO hair in the front to faux hawk with and then the back was much thicker and longer.
She was greeted with rich quantities of love. Her sister Ardis was fascinated with her. She didn't want to leave her for one moment. My Papa and Mama were there. Papa cried when he held her in his arms. (Guess where I got my tender heart and crying heart from?) The look on his face was so tender and poignant I'm grateful we have it in a picture.
Aunt Alice and Uncle Norman (we were renting their basement) were there, with my cousins Richard, and Joyce and Ken (they brought their brand new baby Elizabeth Lynn to visit).
The day after Sarah was born Nyle, Sarah and I spent most of the day alone, just the three of us to get used to our brand new beautiful babe. There were two beds in the room. I didn't have a roomie at that point so Nyle lay on the other bed holding our precious babe on his chest. They napped together for awhile. Sarah seemed to be so at peace lying on her Papa's brawny chest.
Ardis Kay was safe and happy with Grandpa and Grandma Cheney who were staying with her at our beautiful mountainside home.
We went home the 2nd day after she was born. Her Papa and sister Ardis Kay came to pick Sarah and I up. They drove in our Cadillac. We drove both of our babes home in a Cadillac. Never mind that the Cadillac was a 1979 (10 years old), and a diesel that knocked constantly. It was a Cadillac, and represented the luxury that we wished and dreamed for our daughters.
Salute Sarah Elizabeth! You have brought such rich joy and happiness to our family. I simply can't imagine what we did before you joined our family! The moment you come home the energy level in our home rises in a positive way. You are a force to be reckoned with. I love watching you with the kids that you have student taught. They adore you and call you AWESOME! I agree with their assessment. I love you my darling.
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