In my family there is a little Easter ritual that I believe started with my Mom's Dad. My Mother would greet us Easter morning with the small phrase, "Jesus is risen." We would then respond, "Risen indeed." Two very small phrases but to me the meaning is INFINITE!
Now....this Easter, the meaning is even more precious and important. Jesus Christ, my Savior and Redeemer loved me enough, indeed ALL OF US enough to give up his life. He possessed the unique attributes that made it possible for him to break death's bondage and atone for all of us.
Amazing to me that he took upon him every single pain, sin, suffering, that we will bear, or have born. I struggle with the possibility of that concept, yet I believe.
Now....this beloved is not here. He will not help me this year to fill the Easter basket's that the Easter "kitty," brought for our daughters. (We had to have a kitty, with all the cats we rescued a bunny would not have survived in our household...GRIN)
Yet I KNOW with all the assurance of looking at the sunshine that he continues to live. He is no longer limited by the challenges of his worn out body. He can walk, and talk, with no limitations. Indeed he can FLY and I'm certain that he has "frequent flier miles," for all of the places he's longed to see and be all of his earth life that he can now fly to without limits.
My separation from Nyle right now is painful beyond description. Sometimes I feel as though I can't bear the pain. Yet my faith that Jesus understands this pain....loves me, and is always there when I need him sustains me.
I wish to end on the same joyous note that I began on....Jesus IS RISEN....RISEN INDEED!!
Risen indeed!!!
I love you dear girl. BTW, Pierco and Lucy are coming on Wednesday . . . if you want a place to play.